新关注 > 信息聚合 > 悟空早已魂飞魄散?《全民斗战神》首测前瞻


Wu had stigmata? "National fighting God" the first test prospective

2015-09-01 17:24:29来源: 17173


"fight the war official travel -- the universal fighting God", on September 2, officially opened "awakening" of the first test. According to the official introduction, in the game's first external testing, will be open "monkey" and "dragon" the two professions and bring "72 change" gameplay, and set ip2.0, grow 2.0, fighting 2.0, picture 2.0 four big qualitative change to build "moves in the travel 2.0" as a new experience. Below, let us come to the first witness...