新关注 > 信息聚合 > 90后游戏主播如何做到年薪4000万


90 games anchor how do salary of 4000 million

2015-09-01 16:22:48来源: TechWeb

【编者按:斗鱼顶级主播集体跳槽成为今天当之无愧的新闻热点,而据网友猜测跳槽原因或因薪水和主播待遇问题。具体跳槽原因尚待发现,但游戏主播年薪千万早已成为网络风传的消息,那么千万的年薪从哪里来呢?】 90后,阿斯顿马丁,年薪千万。 在中国,有一个职业可以帮你实现这个梦想,它叫游戏主播。 ...

[editor in Betta top anchor collective job hopping has become a well deserved press hot today, and according to the net friend guess to quit reason or because of the salary and anchor treatment. The specific cause of the job hopping is yet to be found, but game anchor million annual salary has become Internet rumors of the news, then tens of millions of annual salary from where it? After 90, Martin Aston, the annual salary of 10 million. In China, there is a professional can help you achieve this dream, it is called game anchor. ...

标签: 游戏 主播