新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竞技类手游首次上榜 《列王的纷争》单笔充值超十万

竞技类手游首次上榜 《列王的纷争》单笔充值超十万

Athletic tour on the list for the first time the clash of kings "column single recharge over the list of popular mobile games of hundreds of thousands of

2015-09-01 16:22:48来源: 新浪

热门手游排行榜这几周以来头一次有竞技类手游登场,没错,就是腾讯旗下的《全民超神》。也因为其最近不限号的活动风头正起,《有杀气童话》被迅速的取而代之,相较于传统的角色扮演手游,这款竞技类手游将会在排行榜上霸占多久,值得期待。 因为《全民超神》的火爆,手游交易排行榜也一同受到了影响。《有...

this week for the first time athletic Tour debut. Yes, that's right, Tencent's" universal love ". Because of its recent does not limit the number of thunder is, "a murderous fairy tale" was quickly replaced by, compared with the traditional role playing mobile games, this athletic hand tour will be in the rankings occupied long, it is worth looking forward to. Because the "national" super hot, Mobile Games trading rankings also affected. "There is...

标签: 手游