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梦幻西游2新版长安保卫战 坑你没商量

Fantasy Westward Journey 2 new Changan defend battle pit you didn't discuss

2015-08-31 09:42:32来源: 17173

文章 摘要 2015年8月30日下午14点,新版长安保卫战正式开启它的旅程。经过三个小时的奋勇抗战,所有梦幻玩家终于体验了一把史上最坑爹的活动。 大唐年间,国富民强,百姓生活幸福。东土的兴盛引起的一些西方妖魔的垂涎,欲进入大唐都城——长安肆虐一番。为了保护长安百姓,唐王请天下英...

Abstract August 30, 2015 14 o'clock in the afternoon, the new Changan to defend the war officially opened its journey. After three hours of fighting bravely, all fantasy game player finally experienced a history of the cheating activities. Tang Dynasty, Kunitomi Mi, people's life happiness. To some Western lands east of the prosperity of the demons, wishing to enter the capital of Changan -- a raging datang. In order to protect the people of Changan, please Tang world english...

标签: 梦幻西游