新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱恨交织 从小岛的挫折看《合金装备5》的高评价

爱恨交织 从小岛的挫折看《合金装备5》的高评价

Love and hate from the frustration of the island look of "Metal Gear Solid 5" high evaluation

2015-08-31 12:13:11来源: 多玩游戏

本文转自:巴哈姆特;文:电玩艺术研究者_RainReader 将于9月1日发售的《合金装备5 幻痛》(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)或许是今年游戏业界最重要的一个转折点。目前的媒体评价可说是一致性的好评,限定版PS4主机一机难求,大家共同要...

the turn from: Bahamut; Wen: Video Art Research _RainReader will be on September 1, the sale of the alloy equipment 5 phantom pain "(Metal Gear Solid V: the phantom pain) maybe is this year the game industry the most important a turning point. The current media evaluation is consistent reputably, limited edition PS4 host machine is hard to find, common to...

标签: 合金装备