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[活动]欢乐暑假 皮卡丘特惠好礼送不停

[] the joy of summer Pikachu special gift to send non-stop

2015-08-16 11:09:26来源: 4399

这个暑假真是有点不平静啊,让我们一起为不幸的天津祈祷吧。就连皮卡丘也表示默哀。还是回归正题吧,来看看本周皮卡丘活动又有哪些不同呢? 【活动一:充值五倍】 活动时间:8月15日00:00-8月18日23:59 活动范围:全服 活动内容:活动期间,玩家充值对应档次的金额,可在活动中心...

this summer really has not calm ah, let us together to pray to the misfortune of Tianjin. Even Picacho also said in silence. Or return to the topic, see Pikachu activities this week and which different?? [activities: recharge five times] activity time: August 15, 00:00-8 month 18 days 23:59 activities range: full service activities: during the event, the amount of players to recharge the corresponding grade, in the active center...