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逃离休闲室第2部分攻略 Escape Lounge图文通关攻..

Escape lounge the part 2 Raiders escape lounge graphic clearance attack Raiders of the puzzle..

2015-08-04 17:11:10来源: 4399

4399解谜攻略站为大家带来逃离休闲室第2部分攻略,Escape Lounge第2部分图文通关攻略,第2部分怎么过等内容,下面一起来看下吧~ 任意门:逃离休闲室攻略大全 1、注意墙上的密码0925。 2、点击电视下的柜子。 3、输入密码0925可以取得螺丝刀。 4、然后按照下图...

4399 station to bring everyone to flee lounge Part 2 Raiders, escape lounge the part 2 graphic clearance Raiders, Part 2 how content, following with it ~ arbitrary door: escape from the leisure room Raiders Daquan 1, pay attention to the password on the wall 0925. 2, click on the TV cabinet. 3, enter the password 0925 can get a screwdriver. 4, then follow the following diagram...