新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D策略MOBA手游《魔霸西游》8月5日震撼开测


3D strategy MoBa Tour "evil tyrants swims on the west" on August 5, shock opening measuring

2015-08-04 20:10:57来源: 4399

这是一个充满阴暗和恐惧的西游世界,英雄不再正义,妖魔愈发癫狂,经典的爱恨情仇充满嗜血和厮杀,这就是大型3D策略MOBA手游《魔霸西游》的世界,8月5日震撼开测,一个颠覆的魔化西游世界,等你到来! ▍快节奏战斗 一决雌雄 《魔霸西游》不需要你漫长枯燥的打线打钱,也无需再和小兵纠缠折磨,...

the a west world full of darkness and fear, no more heroes justice, increasingly insane demons, classic love hate full of bloodthirsty and fight, this is the world of large 3D strategy MoBa Tour "evil tyrants swims on the West", August 5, shocking open test, a subversion of the magic of journey to the west world, you come! 's fast-paced combat showdown "evil tyrants swims on the west" don't need your long boring playing line farmer, also need not again and creeps entanglement torture,...

标签: 手游