新关注 > 信息聚合 > TI5主赛事首日战罢 中国军团五战四胜一负

TI5主赛事首日战罢 中国军团五战四胜一负

August 4 ti5 main event on the first day of zhanba China Legion five games four wins and a negative

2015-08-04 19:39:59来源: 太平洋游戏网


time of Beijing of, 2015 International Invitational race stage curtain, wonderful passionate opening ceremony is a wonderful game. Today has two group and four group game winner loser group group. For group of losers in the first round of the game win a competition, but there is a four team today left the arena of International Invitational, and loser group has 3 Chinese team is affects the heart of domestic and internationally. Let's take a look at today's game. ...