新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百炼成钢 《不良人》手游挑战极限车轮战斗

百炼成钢 《不良人》手游挑战极限车轮战斗

Tempered into a steel the husband hand travel to challenge the limits of battle wheels

2015-08-04 17:53:13来源: 不凡游戏网

由掌趣科技顶级团队研发,若森数字监制的第一国漫手游《不良人》新版现已全平台上线,登陆应用商店搜索“不良人”即可下载游戏。百炼成钢玩法火爆开放,作为游戏中又一个车轮战式冲关玩法,百炼成钢将不再是吊打NPC的旅程,而是替换为玩法更加多样化的PVP实战,让你与真实玩家战个痛快,一爽到底! 百...

by palm interest's top science and technology R & D team, ruosen digital producer the first country to diffuse Tour "beloved" new edition is now full line platform and sign in to the app store search "bad people" can download games. Tempered into a steel play hot open, as the game and a seance washed off play, tempered into a steel will no longer be Path NPC journey but replaced play more diverse PVP combat, let you and real player game fun, a cool in the end! 100...

标签: 手游