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少女三国志装备怎么晋升 装备进阶攻略

The girl three equipment how to upgrade equipment advanced Raiders

2015-08-04 17:50:22来源: 4399

少女三国志装备怎么晋升呢?下面小编为大家带来装备进阶攻略~ 玩法介绍:点击武将头像,选择装备,进行升级,镶嵌,进化。 玩法获得:玩家各个属性的加成。 装备种类: 武器:增加攻击力;盔甲:增加防御力;腰带:增加血量;头盔:三属性同时增加. 装备进化消耗锻造石。锻造是可以通过精英副...

girl three equipment how to promotion? The following Xiaobian for everyone to bring advanced equipment Raiders ~ play: click the generals of the avatar, equipment selection, upgrade, mosaic, evolutionary. Play to get: players with the addition of various properties. Type of equipment: Weapons: Increases attack power; armor: increases defense force; belt: increase the amount of blood; helmet: attribute increases at the same time. Equipment evolution consumption forging stone. Forging can be passed through the elite...