新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《炽炎帝国2》制作人专访:万人同屏激战仅此一家


The blazing empire 2 "producer interview: million people with screen fighting only this one

2015-07-31 14:43:21来源: 新浪

在ChinaJoy2015现场,不久之前索尼发布会上公布了PS4新作《炽炎帝国2》,我们今天很有幸把这款游戏的制作团队请到现场。跟大家介绍一下,制作人李相润先生和导演金东奎先生将一起为大家解开这款游戏的谜团。 新浪游戏:首先为大家介绍一下《炽炎帝国2》是一款什么样的游戏吧? 李相润...

at the scene of the ChinaJoy2015, shortly before the Sony conference announced the PS4 new" blazing empire 2 ", today we are fortunate enough to bring this game production team, please go to the field. With the introduction, the producer Mr. Jin Dongkui and director Mr. Li Xiangrun will be together for everyone to solve the mystery of the game. Sina game: first to introduce the "blazing empire 2" is a what kind of game? Li Xiangrun...