新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天赐游戏CJ“影游联动”极致酒会发布2.0战略


Tianci game CJ linkage video tour the ultimate party release 2.0 strategy

2015-07-31 14:00:43来源: 多玩游戏

2015年7月29日,天赐游戏在上海外滩27号罗斯福公馆举办了盛大的“影游联动 生态之夜”极致酒会。 本次酒会由天赐游戏联手华谊兄弟传媒、博派资本共同主办,PP租车、优酷土豆、光音影盟共同协办,并邀请到影视、传媒、资本、游戏各界知名公司的核心高管到场,共同见证了天赐游戏创新游戏发行2...

2015 July 29, 2007, the gift of game in the Shanghai Bund No.27 Roosevelt mansion held grand tour video linkage ecological night extreme reception. The party sent by game together Huayi Brothers media, the Autobot capital co sponsored, CO PP car, Youku and Tudou, light tone influenced EU and invited to film, media, and capital, games and various well-known companies core executives scene, witnessed the God game innovation game publisher 2...

标签: 游戏