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大波端游IP改编手游接近中 CJ首日试玩回顾

Wavelet tour ends IP adaptation hand close to the CJ, the first day of the demo review

2015-07-31 16:29:29来源: 17173

用一句话形容2015年CJ的游戏,那就是一大波端游改编的手游接近中。虽然端游方面只有《守望先锋》一枝独秀,但端游IP改编的手游还是有不少可圈可点的,下面来一起看下CJ首日的试玩情况吧。 守望先锋 《守望先锋》由暴雪研发,是款动作射击游戏,玩家可以自由切换第一人称和第三人称。简单来说...

2015 CJ game described in a word, it is a wavelet end swim close to the adaptation of hand travel. Although the end of tour only "watch pioneer" a pen with a thriving, but end IP adaptation of hand travel tour still has many remarkable below to watch on the opening day of CJ demo. Watch the pioneer of "watch the pioneers," by Blizzard research and development, is a shooting game, players can freely switch the first person and the third person. Simple...

标签: 手游