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暑期惊喜不断 炫舞紫钻充值/续费礼包更新!

Summer surprises, recharge / renew update packs purple diamond!

2015-07-31 15:51:18来源: 游久网

尊敬的炫舞玩家: 暑期惊喜不断,我们的炫舞紫钻系统为大家带来了全新的开通/续费礼包,永久期限的服装,超可爱的非卖极品宠物蛋,超华丽的非卖坐骑,还有超级多的八音盒统统大派送,快来一起看看详情内容吧! 【开通/续费礼包】 只有通过Q点/Q币、财付通/银 行卡、QQ卡方式续费炫舞紫...

respect: Summer surprises constantly, our dancer QQT system for everyone to bring the new opening / renewals packs, permanent period clothing, super cute non selling gourmet pet egg, super gorgeous non horse to sell and super music box entirely delivery, come let us see details.! [opened / Renewal package] only through Q / Q coins, money to pay pass / bank card, QQ card renewals dancer purple...