新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥斯卡自拍弱爆了!看星耀360如何叼炸天!


Oscar self weak burst! See the star Yao 360 how to carry a bomb!

2015-07-31 09:23:04来源: 大众网

据悉,2015年7月31日,游戏行业年度最大全景颁奖盛典星耀360将在上海喜马拉雅大观舞台举办,现已进入最后倒计时。星耀360已成功举办三届,是业界最权威的游戏颁奖盛典。 作为游戏界的“奥斯卡”,星耀360自然誓将奥斯卡狠狠的比拼下去,在距开幕不到12小时的时间里,如何上演叼炸天一幕?...

it is reported, on July 31, 2015, the game industry annual maximum panoramic awards ceremony star Yao will be held 360 grand stage in Shanghai Himalayas, has now entered the final countdown. Starshine 360 has been successfully held three sessions, the game industry's most authoritative awards. As the game industry "Oscar", starshine 360 naturally vowed to Oscar fiercely competition on, in from the opening less than 12 hours of time, how to perform Diao fried day scene? ...