新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冷眼看CJ:一场没有大作的浮华盛宴


Cool detachment see CJ: a not big flashy feast

2015-07-30 18:37:34来源: 逗游网

一年一度的中国游戏盛宴ChinaJoy又跟大家见面了。提起CJ,你心里想的一定是这样的。 showgirl都是这样的 然而今年是有着非凡意义的一年,因为不让“拆奶罩”了。至于原因,大致是由于长期以来的大尺度的showgirl一直遭人诟病,把好端端的游戏展变成了活生生的妹子展,不利...

annual China game feast ChinaJoy and with you meet. Mention CJ, you must be like this. Showgirl is this but this year is a year of extraordinary significance, because not to let "the demolition Bra". As for the reason, generally due to long-term since the large scale showgirl has always being criticized, the game show hey into living sister show, adverse...