新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋:FPS是游戏主要核心 武器为英雄独有

守望先锋:FPS是游戏主要核心 武器为英雄独有

Watch the pioneer: FPS is the main weapon of the game for the hero unique

2015-07-30 18:37:34来源: 17173

2015年中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(Chinajoy)于7月30至8月2日在上海举行。在CJ期间,暴雪高级技术总监迈克尔?埃利奥特接受了17173专访,回答了关于英雄武器、技能以及游戏性的问题。 《守望先锋》是一款6V6团队射击游戏,有非常多个性独特的英雄,英雄拥有能力。现在有4张...

2015 China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (Chinajoy) in July 30 to August 2nd in Shanghai. During CJ, Blizzard senior technical director Elliot Michael accepted the 17173 interview, answering questions about the hero's weapons, skills and gameplay. "Watch the pioneers" is a 6V6 team shooting game, a very unique personality of the hero, the hero has the ability. Now there are 4...