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梦幻西游手游洗炼石赚钱攻略 早脱手晚体验

Fantasy Westward Journey tour baptize stone money Raiders get rid of late early experience

2015-07-30 18:37:34来源: 科技讯

梦幻西游手游中,前一段时间全新的洗炼石系统被加入了游戏之中。利用洗炼石,能够重置你的装备特技,将其变废为宝。对于一些玩家来说,洗炼石系统中蕴含着很大的赚钱商机,那么如何才能将其的价值发挥到最大?一起来看看吧! 【科技讯】7月30日消息,梦幻西游手游中,前一段时间全新的洗炼石系统被加入...

Fantasy Westward Journey tour, some time ago new baptize stone system is added to the game. You can use the purification stone, reset equipment stunt, turn the waste into treasure. For some players, baptize stone system contains great business opportunities to make money, then how can the value to maximize? Together and see it! [technology news] news on July 30, Fantasy Westward Journey, travel, a period of time before the new baptize stone system is in the...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游