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"Young and dangerous" explosion online promotional video released shocking

2015-07-28 12:22:40来源: 4399

正版授权,激情热血!2015年横版格斗手游大作《古惑仔online》8月震撼公测,曾经让你迷惑的古惑仔,即将迎来全新的开始,《古惑仔online》宣传视频震撼发布,20年不变的经典,回味最初的感动,体验真实的江湖,一切尽在《古惑仔online》。 ▍《古惑仔online》手游 传承古惑...

genuine authority burning fingertips, passion for blood! 2015 horizontal version of the fighting tour masterpiece "young and dangerous online" August shock beta, once let you confuse the young and dangerous, is about to usher in a new beginning, "young and dangerous online" promotional video released shocking, 20 years of constant classical aftertaste originally moved, experience the reality of rivers and lakes, to do everything in the "young and dangerous online". Young man "online" Mobile Games our inheritance...

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