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玩完可就没了 盘点那些有始有终的新游

Don't count the beginnings and ends of travelogue

2015-07-27 13:48:06来源: 新浪

玩过网游的小伙伴大概都已经习惯了,一款游戏只要运营商不停运,就可以无止境地玩下去。即使游戏人物一次又一次地死亡,也可以一次又一次地复活。但玩家最终会渐渐厌倦游戏而离开游戏,因此有的开发商就想让游戏有一个结局,以此来刺激玩家的热情。跟着小编一起来看看最近有哪些有结局的新游吧~ 文明帝国O...

played games in the small partners have probably used to play, a game as long as the operator is not stopped, you can continue to play endless. Even if the game characters die again and again, and again and again to the resurrection. But the players will eventually be tired of the game and leave the game, so some developers want to make the game have an end, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the players. Xiaobian together have a look what the outcome of the recent new civilization ~ O...