新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第二期倩女郎闪亮登场 十项全能社长予词

第二期倩女郎闪亮登场 十项全能社长予词

The second phase of Qian shining girl debut decathlon president received word

2015-07-24 10:40:11来源: 新浪

导语:继第一期倩女郎华丽诞生后,倩女郎的报名愈加火热。谁能在一众报名的女玩家中脱颖而出,成为倩女2的明星代言人登上头条? 十项全能同人社长 她叫予词,一个充满古典韵味深爱倩女剧情和中国古典文化的软妹纸。 她创建了第一个倩女专题工作室《芙蓉帐暖夜笙歌》,工作室在倩女同人图文、歌...

Intro: after the first phase of the Qian girl luxuriant was born, Qian girl registration more fiery. Who can register in a number of female talent showing itself in a 2 game player, became the endorser headlines? Decathlon fan, President of her name is given the word, a full of classical charm love story plot and classical Chinese culture soft sister paper. She created the first Chinese special studio "Lotus tent warm night singing", a song, people in graphic studio...