新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有杀气童话海神波塞冬图鉴 海神波塞冬技能属性

有杀气童话海神波塞冬图鉴 海神波塞冬技能属性

Qualification of murderous fairytale Poseidon illustrations Poseidon skills, attributes

2015-07-08 05:37:27来源: 4399

海神波塞冬 资质15品质橙 元素水类型防御 生命3658攻击136 物防90法防90 简介无情的海浪将淹没一切 技能 神之降临我方所有目标攻击速度增加5%,移动速度增加4%,持续10秒 治疗之泉召唤一个治疗之泉,治疗范围内所有的友军48%生命。 防御提升IV进入战斗场景...

Poseidon 15 quality orange element water defense type life 3658 attack has 136 prevention method of 90 anti 90 introduction of relentless waves will be flooded all the skills of God come to us for all target attack speed is increased by 5% and movement speed increased by 4%. Lasts 10 seconds for the fountain of summoning a fountain of treatment, the treatment of all friendly 48% life. Defense upgrade IV into battle scene...