新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《少女战争》二次元手游逆袭,双马尾才是王道!


"The two dimension" girl war Mobile Games counter attack, double ponytail is king!

2015-06-29 13:32:13来源: 不凡游戏网

《少女战争》是中国首部3D二次元换装APRG手游,作为 “二次元”手游,那一定要“元气满满,萌萌哒”才可以满足玩家老爷们的胃口。《少女战争》就是这样一款既能上手么么哒,还能回家啪啪啪的游戏。 二次元之风不可阻挡!双马尾才是王道 随着漫画游戏的流行,ACG风潮席卷神州大地,视频动漫已经...

"girl war" is China's first 3D quadratic facelift aprg hand tour, the tour started as the second element, it must be "full of vitality, Meng Da can satisfy the appetite of the old players menfolk. "War" is such a girl can get started meme Da, but also to go home lovemaking game. The two dimension of the wind can not stop! Double ponytail is king with the comic game popular ACG, sweeping China, video animation has...

标签: 手游