新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第三人称潜入游戏《荒神2》延期至2021年第三季度发售


Third person sneak in game "desolation 2" postponed to the third quarter of 2021

2021-03-11 10:34:06来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Lince Works 曾于 2020 年 8 月公布了风格化第三人称潜入游戏续作《荒神2》,不过今日官方宣布游戏将从原定的 2021 年初延期至 2021 年第三季度发售。 关于延期原因,开发团队称《荒神2》实际上已经开发完成并已能从头玩到尾了,但游戏仍有大量细节值得优化,例如修复 Bug 和深入打磨,特别是游戏的次世代主机版本。开发组称《荒神2》相比前作更加具有野心,因此官方想要尽可能为玩家献上最完美的游戏体验。《荒神2》将延续前代设立的世界观,玩家作为暗影氏族最后一名精英战士,将挺身为保护氏族而战。游戏中玩家能化身阴影进行潜行、闪避、攻击,游戏有着多达 42 项能力的技能树供玩家自定义角色,无论是快节奏的潜行刺杀还是深入敌阵接招拆招,玩家都能享受到乐趣,此外本作还支持 3 名

The developer, Lince works, announced in August 2020 a sequel to the stylized third person sneak in game "desolation 2", but today it officially announced that the game will be postponed from the original early 2021 to the third quarter of 2021. &As for the reasons for the delay, the development team said that "wastegod 2" has actually been developed and can be played from the beginning to the end, but there are still a lot of details to optimize, such as fixing bugs and further polishing, especially the next generation console version of the game. The development team said that "waster god 2" is more ambitious than the previous one, so the official wants to offer the most perfect game experience for the players as much as possible. "Waste god 2" will continue the world outlook set up by the previous generation. As the last elite soldier of the shadow clan, the player will fight to protect the clan. In the game, players can hide, dodge and attack in the shadow. The game has a skill tree of up to 42 abilities for players to customize their roles. Whether it's fast-paced stealth assassination or in-depth enemy attack, players can enjoy the fun. In addition, this work also supports 3 players

标签: 游戏