新关注 > 信息聚合 > 圣莫妮卡为未公布新作招聘首席编剧 或将推出全新IP

圣莫妮卡为未公布新作招聘首席编剧 或将推出全新IP

Santa Monica is looking for chief screenwriter for an undisclosed new work or will launch a new IP

2021-03-12 13:25:42来源: 游戏时光

SIE 圣莫妮卡工作室更新了招聘页面,显示工作室正在为一款未公布的新游戏招募首席编剧。招聘信息显示,应聘该职位的人员将要建立和发展游戏的编剧团队,同时将叙事和游戏玩法结合,创造“有力的故事情节和角色塑造,以及吸引人的对话”。招聘信息中并未透露这款未公布新作的主题或背景,不过根据“工作室将踏上全新旅途”的说法,或许圣莫妮卡工作室正计划打造一款全新的 IP。在今年 1 月,圣莫妮卡工作室曾表示他们准备开发一款“能定义游戏类型”的新作。来源:playstationlifestyle

Studio Sie Santa Monica has updated its recruitment page to show that it is recruiting a lead screenwriter for an undisclosed new game. According to the recruitment information, the person applying for the position will establish and develop a writing team for the game, and combine narration with game playing methods to create "powerful storyline and character building, as well as attractive dialogue". The recruitment didn't reveal the theme or background of the unpublished new work, but according to the statement that "studio will embark on a new journey", maybe Santa Monica studio is planning to build a new IP. In January of this year, the studio of Santa Monica said that it was going to develop a new work that "can define the type of game". Source: Playstation life