新关注 > 信息聚合 > 菲尔·斯宾塞:想推进id Software与其他工作室的技术合作

菲尔·斯宾塞:想推进id Software与其他工作室的技术合作

Phil Spencer: want to promote the technical cooperation between id software and other studios

2021-03-12 15:38:27来源: 游戏时光

在今日发布的 Xbox 与 Bethesda 圆桌会谈节目中,几位高管谈到了本次加入 Xbox 第一方的数家工作室。在谈到 id Software 工作室时,菲尔·斯宾塞表示非常欣赏该工作室的技术实力,期待未来与其他工作室的交流合作。 id 的另一件事让我非常兴奋,同时也是之前我们很少讨论过的就是,id Tech 引擎的未来。这对于 Xbox 内部团队而言意味着什么。 id Software 开发的 id Tech 引擎以强大的优化和画面表现力著称,是当今游戏业界顶级游戏引擎之一。在被微软收购以前,Bethesda 就在内部对 id Tech 引擎进行内部共享和推广,除了被用于 id 自己的《

&In today's Roundtable talk between Xbox and Bethesda, several executives talked about several studios that have joined the Xbox first party. When talking about id software studio, Phil Spencer said that he appreciated the technical strength of the studio and looked forward to exchanges and cooperation with other studios in the future. &Another thing I'm very excited about is the future of ID tech engine, which we seldom discussed before. What does this mean for the Xbox internal team. &The ID tech engine developed by amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; id software is famous for its powerful optimization and image expression, and is one of the top game engines in today's game industry. Before it was acquired by Microsoft, Bethesda shared and promoted the ID tech engine internally, except for the ID itself《