新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《EVA新剧场版:终》首日票房公布,近54万人观影


"EVA new theater Edition: final" box office announced on the first day, with nearly 540000 people watching

2021-03-09 18:23:26来源: 游戏时光

Khara 官推今日宣布,《EVA 新剧场版:终》的首日票房收入达 8 亿 277 万 4200 日元,观影观众 53 万 9623 人次。另外,官方在推特最后对冒着疫情风险前来观影的观众致以感谢。本作作为「EVA」系列的完结作,即使在多次延期,疫情肆虐,非节假日期间上映(星期一上映)等负面因素的影响下,依然取得了如此的成绩。值得一提的是,对比同为新剧场版的前作《Q》——首映两日票房收入 11 亿 3100 万 4600 日元,观影观众 77 万 1764 人次的成绩,本作的表现可谓相当惊人,突破前作的 60 亿日元世界总票房纪录想必问题不大。来源:Fami通

Khara's official tweet announced today that the first day box office revenue of EVA new theater: final reached 82774200 yen, with 539623 audience. In addition, at the end of the tweet, the official expressed thanks to the audience who came to watch the film at the risk of the epidemic. As the final work of "EVA" series, this work has achieved such success even under the influence of negative factors such as many delays, epidemic outbreak, non holiday release (Monday). It is worth mentioning that compared with Q, the previous work of the new theater edition, which had a box office revenue of 1.131 billion yen and a audience of 771764 on the first two days of its premiere, the performance of Q is quite amazing. It is not a big problem to break the world box office record of 6 billion yen. Source: fami Tong