新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为寻求转型,GameStop设立新委员会


Gamestop set up a new committee to seek transformation

2021-03-09 14:57:26来源: 游戏时光

今年早些时候的股市大战主角,电子游戏零售商 GameStop 近期成立了一个新的战略规划和资本分配委员会,希望能借此加快转型为技术型企业的步伐。GameStop 在官方声明中提到:战略规划和资本分配委员会将持续专注于寻求将 GameStop 转型为一家能为股东创造持久价值的技术型企业的方式。GameStop 还表示,该委员会将评估公司目前的运营目标、资本结构、分配优先级、数字化能力、组织足迹和人员构成。目前战略规划和资本分配委员会由前 Chewy 高管 Alan Attal,Ryan Cohen 以及 Kurt Wolf 组成。该委员会已经朝着新的方向迈出了一步:任命 Matt Francis 为新的首席技术官,增聘两名高管;辞退目前的首席财务官 Jim Bell,并招聘新的首席财务官。来源:Gameindus

Gamestop, the leading player in the stock market war earlier this year, recently set up a new strategic planning and Capital Allocation Committee, hoping to speed up its transformation into a technology-based enterprise. Gamestop said in an official statement: the strategic planning and Capital Allocation Committee will continue to focus on finding ways to transform Gamestop into a technology-based enterprise that can create lasting value for shareholders. Gamestop also said the committee would assess the company's current operational objectives, capital structure, allocation priorities, digital capabilities, organizational footprint and staffing. Currently, the strategic planning and Capital Allocation Committee is composed of former chewy executives Alan attal, Ryan Cohen and Kurt wolf. The Committee has taken a step in a new direction: the appointment of Matt Francis as the new CTO, the addition of two senior executives; the dismissal of Jim Bell, the current CFO, and the recruitment of a new CFO. Source: gameindus