新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本田翼化身怪猎导师,带你走进《崛起》的世界


Bentianyi's incarnation as a strange hunting tutor takes you into the world of rise

2021-03-09 20:44:45来源: 游戏时光

由日本知名演员兼「一天只能玩8小时的知名玩家」本田翼参演的《怪物猎人 崛起》宣传 CM 于今日公开,分为“登场篇”和“教学篇”。本田翼化身为开朗活泼的怪猎导师,教导学生们“翔虫移动”、“铁虫丝技”,并带着他们联机实战,展示了“御龙”的用法。登场篇:教学篇:与此同时,卡普空官方还放出了本次《怪物猎人 崛起》CM 的制作花絮,有兴趣的用户不妨一看,总而言之就是很可爱。视频地址

"The rise of the monster hunter", a well-known Japanese actor and "a well-known player who can only play 8 hours a day", was released today. It is divided into "debut" and "teaching". As a cheerful and lively strange hunting tutor, bentianyi teaches the students "flying insects and moving", "iron insects and silk skills", and takes them online to show the usage of "Yulong". Debut: Teaching: at the same time, kapukong official also released this "monster hunter rise" cm production gags, interested users might as well have a look, in a word, it is very lovely. Video address