新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼:《往日不再》等大批第一方作品将登陆PC


Sony: a large number of first party works such as "no more" will be launched on PC

2021-02-23 23:08:11来源: 游戏时光

索尼互动娱乐总裁吉姆 · 瑞安在刚公开的一份采访中确认,索尼第一方作品《往日不再》将在今年春季登陆 PC 平台,而且之后还会有「一大批这样的作品」会登陆 PC。采访中被问起「对于让自家第一方作品登陆 PC,索尼近期态度发生了改变是为什么」时,瑞安认为「有些事情发生了变化」。他表示,让第一方作品登陆 PC「是一个向更广泛受众展示自家优秀作品的机会」,而且去年《地平线 零之曙光》登陆 PC 获得了成功,是 SIE 继续推进这项工作的原因之一。瑞安在采访中说:我们从两个方面评估了这项工作。首先在 PC 上推出游戏(编者注:指《地平线 零之曙光》)获得了直接的成功,人们喜欢这部作品并花钱购买了。我们也从 PlayStation 社区的角度来看待这件事,没有遇到大规模的负面反应。因此,我们将继续朝这个方向推进。瑞安并未在

Jim Ryan, President of Sony interactive entertainment, confirmed in an interview that Sony's first-party work "never again" will be launched on PC platform this spring, and "a large number of such works" will be launched on PC later. In the interview, when asked why Sony's attitude has changed recently to let its first-party works land on PC, Ryan thought that "some things have changed.". He said that putting first-party works on PC "is an opportunity to show our excellent works to a wider audience." and the success of horizon zero's landing on PC last year is one of the reasons why Sie continues to promote this work. We evaluated the work in two ways, Ryan said in an interview. First of all, launching the game on PC (editor's note: Zero dawn on the horizon) was a direct success, and people liked the work and paid for it. We also looked at it from the perspective of the Playstation community, and there was no large-scale negative reaction. So we will continue to move in that direction. Ryan is not here

标签: 索尼 PC