新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》季票公布 现已开启预购

《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》季票公布 现已开启预购

"Revelation of Selda's disaster" season tickets announced, pre purchase has started

2021-02-18 07:15:35来源: 游戏时光

在今天的直面会上,任天堂公开了《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》的季票。本作预计会分别在 6 月和 11 月进行两次更新,售价 2500 日元,现已开启预购,预购特典为林克的武器和服装。

In today's face-to-face meeting, Nintendo released the season tickets for "Revelation of Selda's unparalleled disaster". This work is expected to be updated twice in June and November respectively. The selling price is 2500 yen. It is now open for pre purchase, and the pre purchase of weapons and clothing specially for link.