新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《勇气默示录2》最终预告公布,2月26日发售


The final announcement of courage 2 will go on sale on February 26

2021-02-18 09:09:37来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 在今日的任天堂直面会上公开了RPG《勇气默示录2》的最终预告,展示了游戏更多的战斗画面和剧情内容。视频地址《勇气默示录2》将于 2 月 26 日发售,支持中文。

Square Enix released the final preview of RPG's "silent courage 2" at today's Nintendo face-to-face meeting, showing more battle scenes and plot content of the game. The video address "courage silent record 2" will be on sale on February 26, supporting Chinese.