新关注 > 信息聚合 > 埃隆·马斯克谈《赛博朋克2077》:怪异且亲切


Elon Musk on cyberpunk 2077: weird and kind

2021-02-16 14:12:02来源: 游戏时光

埃隆·马斯克在近期的一档播客节目中,谈论了有关他对《赛博朋克2077》的一些看法:他表示在玩过后,对其中人类增强的(Human enhancement)方式感到不可思议,游戏中的一些设定对他来说很是亲切。尽管《赛博朋克2077》的故事是虚构的,但马斯克和他的公司 Neuralink 正在研究的项目 —— 脑机接口技术与游戏中的一些元素很相似。运用这一技术,Neuralink 希望能够治疗人们受过创伤的大脑。马斯克在博客中表示:「我在玩《赛博朋克2077》的时候,就觉得和我所处的状况很相近。让我不禁想到,它是不是描绘了这项技术未来的走向?不过就现在而言,我相信这项技术还是会帮到有需要的人。」马斯克认为这是一个循序渐进的过程,不会变成「我们有一天醒过来,突然发现每个人的身体里就被装上芯片」。另外,这也不是马斯克第一

In a recent podcast, Elon Musk talked about his views on cyberpunk 2077: he said that after playing, he felt incredible about the way of human enhancement, and some of the settings in the game were very kind to him. Although the story of cyberpunk 2077 is fictional, the project that musk and his company neuralink are working on - brain computer interface technology - is similar to some elements of the game. With this technology, neuralink hopes to be able to treat people's traumatic brains. "When I played cyberpunk 2077, I felt very similar to my situation," Musk said in his blog. I can't help thinking, does it describe the future direction of this technology? But for now, I believe this technology will still help people in need. Musk believes that this is a gradual process, and it will not become "we wake up one day and suddenly find that everyone's body is loaded with chips.". Besides, it's not Musk's first choice