新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因玩家数暴增,《腐蚀》加入了「软核」模式


As the number of players has increased dramatically, corrosion has added soft core mode

2021-02-06 10:13:37来源: 游戏时光

Facepunch 工作室为《腐蚀》(Rust)中更多的休闲玩家群体加入了一个新的“软核模式”,他们在博客文章中写道:《腐蚀》的一个主要成份一直是它的硬核并无情的 PvP,这一点不会变。但我们意识到,有些玩家想要不那么残酷的体验。因此我们为这些玩家加入了“软核模式”,针对更多休闲玩家。别担心,我们的大部分服务器仍将是“硬核”的。 当玩家在新模式中被杀时,他们的一半库存可以在死亡地点或回收终端回收,这些终端可以在强盗镇和前哨站找到。玩家现在可以随时在这两个地点重生,前提是他们没有被标记为敌方。队伍最大人数也改为 4 人,以防止组团玩家对抗个人。 “软核模式”更新现在已经上线,在与之同时推出的 10 个新服务器上都可以使用这个新模式。F

Facepunch studio has added a new "soft core mode" for more leisure players in rust. They wrote in their blog post: "one of the main components of rust has always been its hard core and ruthless PVP, which will not change. But we realize that some players want a less brutal experience. So we added "soft core mode" for these players, aiming at more leisure players. Don't worry, most of our servers will still be hard core. &When a player is killed in the new mode, half of their inventory can be recovered at the place of death or recycling terminals, which can be found in bandit town and outposts. Players can now regenerate in both locations at any time, provided they are not marked as enemies. The maximum number of players in the team has also been changed to 4 to prevent group players from fighting against individuals. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "soft core mode" update is now online, and can be used on 10 new servers launched at the same time. F

标签: 玩家