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一则宣传手册透露了点《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》续作的新消息

A brochure revealed some new news about the sequel to the legend of Zelda in the wilderness

2021-02-06 11:57:32来源: 游戏时光

《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》的续作于 2019 年 6 月在 E3 上发布,但从那以后就没什么新消息了。当时任天堂公开了一则很短的宣传动画,展示了林克和塞尔达在地下探索的场景。而根据一本宣传手册的内容来看,它给出了更详细的解释:“终于,林克和塞尔达在备受期待、且令人难忘的动作冒险游戏《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》的续作中回归,该系列的制作人青沼英二承诺这一次会有更黑暗的冒险。在海拉尔城堡下面的洞穴深处,一个全新且强大的威胁被唤醒。我们勇敢的英雄们能再次拯救王国吗?”关于《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》续作「更黑暗」的说法,青沼英二之前也简短的进行过解释,他指出这不一定与《塞尔达传说 姆吉拉的假面》有关,也并不完全是受其启发。来源:Nintendoeverything

A sequel to the legend of Zelda, the rest of the wilderness, was released on E3 in June 2019, but there has been little news since. Nintendo then released a short promotional animation showing link and Zelda exploring underground. According to the contents of a brochure, it gives a more detailed explanation: "finally, link and Zelda are back in the sequel to the much anticipated and unforgettable action adventure game" the rest of the legend of Zelda in the wilderness ", and the producer of the series, Yingji Aoma, promises a darker adventure this time. Deep in the cave below Hailar castle, a new and powerful threat is awakened. Can our brave heroes save the kingdom again? "As for the sequel" darker "in the legend of Zelda, Yingji Aoma also briefly explained before, pointing out that this is not necessarily related to the mask of the legend of Zelda, nor is it entirely inspired by it. Source: Nintendo everything