新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动视暴雪称在2021年将公布更多复刻游戏


Activision Blizzard says it will release more replica games in 2021

2021-02-06 11:12:12来源: 游戏时光

在动视暴雪最新的财务电话会议上,首席财务官丹尼斯·杜尔金(Dennis Durkin)在回答有关公司 2021 年和 2022 年计划的问题时说到:“我们还有其它一些锦上添花的东西,我们会在适当的时候公布复刻内容(Remastered Game),这应该会在今年为我们提供更多的机会。”《托尼·霍克的职业滑板1+2》开发商 Vicarious Visions 近日并入暴雪,为其未来项目提供支持,有传言称它们就是在复刻《暗黑破坏神2》。此前负责该项目的 Team 1 因为《魔兽争霸3 重制版》的失败而解散,人员也转岗到暴雪的其他岗位,也有一批员工离职。从杜尔金的措辞来看,除了《暗黑破坏神2》外可能还有一些其它的东西,让我们拭目以待。来源:Gamesradar

In Activision Blizzard's latest financial conference call, chief financial officer Dennis Durkin said in response to questions about the company's plans for 2021 and 2022: "we have some other icing on the cake. We will announce the remastered game at an appropriate time, which should provide us with more opportunities this year." Vicarious visions, the developer of Tony Hawke's Pro skateboard 1 + 2, has been incorporated into Blizzard to support its future projects. It is rumored that they are re engraving Diablo 2. Team 1, who was in charge of the project before, was dissolved due to the failure of Warcraft 3 remaking, and the staff also transferred to other positions of Blizzard, and a number of employees left. Judging from Durkin's wording, there may be something else besides Diablo 2 that we will see. Source: GamesRadar

标签: 游戏 暴雪