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《使命召唤 现代战争》角色被指剽窃了他人角色设计

The characters in call of duty modern war are accused of plagiarizing others' character design

2021-02-04 14:05:08来源: 游戏时光

根据昨天在德克萨斯州法院提起的诉讼,动视、Infinity Ward 和 Major League Gaming Corp 被指控在《使命召唤 现代战争》的角色设计中剽窃了他人的设计。左:Cade Janus的原版照片 右:《使命召唤》宣传图原告 Clayton Haugen 是一位北卡罗来纳州的作家和摄影师,他还是两部文学作品和 22 张照片的版权拥有者。Haugen 说,他创作了一个名为“ Cade Janus”的角色,2017年,他聘请了演员以及 Twitch 主播 Alex Zedra 扮演“Cade Janus”并拍摄了一系列照片,并将角色介绍给电影制片厂。为了进一步推广,这些照片同时也发布到了 Instagram 上。诉状称,被告通过承包商寻找“强大,熟练的女战士”,他们雇用了 

Activision, Infinity Ward and major league gaming Corp are accused of plagiarizing other people's designs in the character design of call of Duty Modern Warfare, according to a lawsuit filed in a Texas court yesterday. Left: original photo of Cade Janus right: Call of duty poster plaintiff Clayton Haugen, a North Carolina writer and photographer, is the copyright owner of two literary works and 22 photos. Haugen said that he created a role called "Cade Janus" and in 2017, he hired actor and twitch anchor Alex zedra to play "Cade Janus" and took a series of photos to introduce the role to the film studio. For further promotion, the photos were also posted on instagram. According to the complaint, the defendants sought "powerful, skilled women fighters" through contractors who hired & amp; nbsp