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Morning news (February 5)

2021-02-05 07:40:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻Epic先可免费领取《为了吾王》和《地铁:最后的曙光》EGS 本周可免费领取《为了吾王》和《地铁:最后的曙光》,下周的周免游戏为《翡翠6》。《神秘博士:孤独刺客》公布Steam商店页面《神秘博士:孤独刺客Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins》现已公布 Steam 商店页面,本作将于 3 月 20 日发售。商店的介绍:揭开的德拉姆林黑暗的秘密,通过手机展开缜密的推理,面对前所未有的危险局面。来自《失踪的萨拉》和《SIMULACRA》系列制作团队的又一新作。请记住,别眨眼。B社创始人去世Bethesda 在社交媒体上宣布其创始人兼CEO Robert A. Altman 去世。因为源代码损坏,《质量效应 传奇版》不会包含初代的一部DLC此前 EA 宣布,《质量效应 传奇版》包含了

Game news epic can get "for my king" and "Subway: the last dawn" for free. EGS can get "for my king" and "Subway: the last dawn" for free this week. Next week's free game is "jade 6". Doctor who: the lonely assassins has announced the steam store page. Doctor who: the lonely assassins has announced the steam store page. The book will be on sale on March 20. The introduction of the store: the dark secret of dramlin has been revealed, and careful reasoning has been carried out through mobile phones to face an unprecedented dangerous situation. Another new work from the production team of "missing Sarah" and "simulacra" series. Remember, don't blink. Bethesda announced the death of Robert A. Altman, its founder and CEO, on social media. Because of the source code damage, the quality effect legend will not include a DLC of the early generation. EA announced that the quality effect legend will include a DLC of the early generation