新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《辐射 新维加斯》MOD因制作成员不当行为被迫下架

《辐射 新维加斯》MOD因制作成员不当行为被迫下架

"Radiation New Vegas" mod was forced off the shelves due to improper behavior of its members

2021-02-04 14:48:41来源: 游戏时光

由民间 Mod 制作组 The Frontier Team 制作的《辐射 新维加斯》大型 Mod「前线」在此前被迫从 Nexus 上下架,直到近期才重新上架。Mod 下架的原因为,ID 为 ZuTheSkunks 的制作组成员被网友发现有上传“儿童色情”动画影片的不当行为,而“儿童色情”在欧美地区是不可触碰的红线。The Frontier Team 迅速对此事做出应对:他们立即将「前线」Mod 下架,并发表声明称已将该涉事成员开除出制作组,并会将其负责的 Mod 内容全部删除。不过除了 ZuTheSkunks 负责的内容,Mod 中的其他内容也有不小的争议。玩家在 Mod 中可以把一位名为“America”的 NPC 收作奴隶,在此过程中 America 有这么一句台词:如果这样就能让我不孤单的话 ,我愿意带

"Radiation New Vegas", a large-scale mod "front line" produced by the frontier team, a folk mod production group, was forced to go up and down from nexus until recently. The reason mod was taken off the shelves was that the members of the production team with ID of Zu the skunks were found by netizens to have improper behaviors in uploading "child pornography" animated films, which is an untouchable red line in Europe and the United States. The frontier team responded quickly to the incident: they immediately removed the "front line" mod from the shelves, and issued a statement saying that the member involved had been expelled from the production team, and that they would delete all the mod content they were responsible for. However, in addition to the content that zutherskunks is responsible for, other content in mod is also controversial. In mod, players can take an NPC named "America" as a slave. In the process, America has a line: if this can make me not alone