新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】守护者该回归了!《命运2 凌光之刻》现已发售

【福利】守护者该回归了!《命运2 凌光之刻》现已发售

It's time for the guardian to return! Destiny 2 is now on sale

2020-11-11 20:20:21来源: 游戏时光

《命运2》的全新资料片「凌光之刻」现已正式发售,一股新的力量自停靠在木卫二永冻前线之上的金字塔飞船中孕育而生,一个黑暗帝国在其脚下崛起。在《命运2 凌光之刻》中,玩家将和同伴守护者们一起,不惜代价将这帝国毁灭,就算是利用暗影之力也在所不惜。守护者们将探索一个全新目的地:木星的极寒卫星“木卫二”。作为勇者,在极度严酷的天气条件下发掘被深埋在远古寒冰中的秘密。随着新的威胁浮出水面,一股新的神秘力量也随之显现 —— 冰影源于暗影,守护者们将使用这种新的元素力量来统治战场。泰坦、术士和猎人各自都有使用冰影的不同的方式,这也就造就了奇妙的全新副职业以供探索。而在木卫二极寒冻原的地下沉睡着深岩墓室。独特的奖励正等待着那些能够破解其中深刻谜题的人。在本篇新闻中进行回复,我们将抽出五名幸运玩家送出 Steam《命运2 凌光之刻

Destiny 2's new expansion "the moment of light" is now on sale. A new force is born from the pyramidal spaceship anchored on Europa's frozen front line, and a dark empire is rising at its feet. In destiny 2, players will destroy the Empire at any cost, even with the power of shadow, together with their fellow guardians. Guardians will explore a new destination: Jupiter's frigid moon Europa. As a brave man, he explored the secrets deeply buried in the ancient ice under extremely harsh weather conditions. With the emergence of new threats, a new mysterious force will emerge - ice shadow comes from shadow, and guardians will use this new elemental power to rule the battlefield. Titan, warlock and hunter have different ways to use ice shadow, which creates a wonderful new sub class for exploration. Beneath Europa's frigid tundra lies a deep rock tomb. Unique rewards are waiting for those who can solve the profound mystery. In response to this news, we will select five lucky players to send out steam destiny 2