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庆湖人总冠军,Steam版《NBA 2K21》打折

Steam's NBA 2k21 is on sale

2020-10-13 15:19:24来源: 游戏时光

  10 月 12 日,洛杉矶湖人在总决赛以 4-2 战胜了迈阿密热火,获得了本赛季 NBA 总冠军,勒布朗·詹姆斯再次斩获总决赛最有价值球员称号。   为庆祝 NBA 总冠军的诞生,《NBA 2K21》在 Steam 平台开启第一次打折促销,各版本均为 6.5 折:标准版 129 元(原价 199),曼巴永恒版 415 元(原价 489)。  同时,Steam平台《NBA 2K21》版本更新至 1.04,较上线初提升了游戏性和平衡性。在几次的更新中,修复了各卡死及闪退的情况、调整了投篮系统,优化了各模式场景及玩法。  关键更新内容如下:玩家可自由选择使用专家摇杆瞄准或是投篮时机条,投篮系统同步优化专家摇杆瞄准点初始时向左或向右,玩家有了更好的掌控度做出了防止修改控制器漏洞利用的改动修复了

On October 12, the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship with a 4-2 victory over the Miami Heat in the finals. LeBron James once again won the title of the most valuable player in the finals. &In order to celebrate the birth of NBA championship, NBA 2k21 launched its first discount promotion on & amp; nbsp; steam platform, with a discount of 6.5% for all versions: 129 yuan (original price: 199 yuan) for Standard Version and 415 yuan (original price: 489 yuan) for Mamba eternal version. At the same time, the steam platform "NBA 2k21" version was updated to 1.04, which improved the gameplay and balance compared with the early online. In several updates, fixed the stuck and flashback situation, adjusted the shooting system, and optimized the scenes and playing methods of various modes. The key updates are as follows: players can freely choose to use the expert rocker aiming or shooting timing bar, the shooting system synchronously optimizes the expert rocker aiming point, initially left or right, players have better control, and make changes to prevent modifying the controller vulnerability

标签: Steam