新关注 > 信息聚合 > 敌人更凶残战斗更暴力 射击新作《死亡效应 2》9..

敌人更凶残战斗更暴力 射击新作《死亡效应 2》9..

Enemy more ferocious battle more violent shooting new "death Effect 2 9..

2015-06-15 15:53:49来源: 任玩堂

在太空飞船中遭遇异常事件,并在恶劣环境中坚持活下去的第一人称射击系列游戏最新作 Dead Effect 2 《死亡效应 2》,近日公开了最新预告短片,并宣布游戏将于 9 月的第二个星期与各位玩家见面。 该游戏故事发生的舞台,设在了丧尸爆发、机器人袭击人类的太空飞船中。为何会爆发丧尸灾难...

in the space shuttle in encounter abnormal events, and in the harsh environment to survive the first person shooter series of games for the latest dead in 2 the death Effect 2", recently announced a new trailer, and announced that the game will meet in the second week of September and all the players. The game takes place in the stage, a zombie outbreak, robot attack a human spaceship. Why would the zombie outbreak disaster...