新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《莽荒纪2》英雄白水泽攻略:新手奶爸带你飞


The record of the jungle 2 "white hero Mizusawa Raiders: novice daddy take you fly

2015-06-02 11:20:36来源: 一游网

正统修仙第一手游《莽荒纪2》这个月进行了一番测试,收到了很多玩家的喜爱。同时也收到了很多玩家的宝贵建议,在期待一下次测试同时,先来继续介绍里面的英雄攻略吧!今天要介绍的是,游戏前期就拿到的奶爸白蜀黍。 【英雄简介】 神兽白水泽所化,通灵聪慧,善于学习,精通各种阵法。(以下针对的是...

orthodox Xiuxian firsthand Tour" record of the jungle 2 "this month of the test, has received a lot of favorite players. Also got a lot of players valuable suggestions, looking forward to the next test at the same time, the first to continue to introduce the hero inside Raiders! Today, the early stages of the game to get daddy white Shu millet. [introduction] the white hero animal Mizusawa, psychic intelligence, good at learning, proficient in a variety of strategies. The following is...