新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂次世代主机“NX”并不会搭载安卓系统


Nintendo consoles "NX" and not equipped with Android

2015-06-03 11:49:54来源: 电玩巴士

据日经新闻在6月1日的报道,任天堂的新主机“NX”将会搭载安卓系统。这一消息迅速引爆了整个业界,引起了广泛的关注。但近日任天堂对此予以明确否认,此文的作者已经为本次不实报道公开道歉。 “NX”作为任天堂下一代的新游戏主机在今年3月的财报说明会上首次确认了相关概念。但关于“NX”的详细...

according to Nikkei news in June 1, reports, Nintendo's new console "NX" will be equipped with Android. The news quickly detonated the entire industry, causing widespread concern. But recently Nintendo has clearly denied this, the author of this text has been publicly apologized for this report. NX as the next generation of Nintendo's new game host for the first time in March of this year's earnings report to confirm the relevant concepts. But on the "NX" in detail...

标签: 安卓 任天堂