新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海岛奇兵5月8日吉尔哈特上校攻略


In May 8th, Colonel Hart Gil Jones Island Raiders

2015-05-08 15:32:12来源: 4399

今天海岛奇兵迎来了一个全新的boss——吉尔哈特上校,玩家只要摧毁她就能获得资源和零件,不过难度还是有点大,接下里跟着小编一起来看看吧! 使用兵种:纯MM或者野人 配置要求:满级MM或者18级野人、能量120以上 MM打法详解:炸掉前面的地雷,然后黄色区域使用多管清除高爆,先引导M...

Jones Island today ushered in a new boss -- Gil, Colonel Hart, as long as the game player can get resources and destroy her parts, but the difficulty is still a little big, the next Xiaobian together to have a look! The use of arms: pure MM or savage configuration requirements: full level MM or level 18, more than 120 MM energy savage blow up in front of the play a: mine, then use multiple high explosive removal of the yellow area, to guide M...