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《无冬OL》品鉴会10日举行 或公布不删档时间

"No OL" winter tasting will be held on 10 and released does not delete files in time

2015-05-08 16:46:18来源: 17173

完美旗下MMORPG网游《无冬OL》&ALIENWARE战略品鉴会将于5月10日在北京举行。据悉现场将开放游戏最新版本试玩,并公布游戏不删档测试时间。此外,NGA创始人Ediart、知名《魔兽世界》玩家三季稻、苹果牛等人也将到现场参与。 17173记者将在第一时间为玩家发回报道,并带...

's MMORPG online game "perfect Neverwinter OL" &ALIENWARE strategic tasting will be held in Beijing in May 10th. It is reported that the site will open the latest version of the demo game, and announced the game does not delete files test time. In addition, the founder of NGA Ediart, the famous "World of Warcraft" game player three season rice, Apple will also participate in the scene to Niu et al. The 17173 reporters will be the first time for the game player with reports, and...