新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南宁一网吧组织数百未成年人赛网游 文化部门叫停

南宁一网吧组织数百未成年人赛网游 文化部门叫停

Nanning a cafe organized hundreds of minors online game culture department called

2015-05-02 13:44:02来源: 广西新闻网

这5名选手在比赛,远处的围观者看着大屏幕并不时发出欢呼声。 网吧组织数百未成年人赛网游 事发南宁市北湖路,文化部门以网吧接纳未成年人为由叫停比赛 广西新闻网-南国早报记者 姜锋 文/图 五一小长假,南宁市民黄先生原计划带儿子出去旅游,可5月1日上午怎么也找不到人,这可急坏了他...

the 5 players in the game, the distant onlookers looked at the big screen is cheered. Internet cafes organized hundreds of minors online game the Nanning City North Lake Road, the cultural department to bars the admission of minors as an excuse to halt the game Guangxi News Network - South China Morning Post reporter Jiang Feng text / chart five one holiday, Nanning public Wong planned to travel with his son, but the morning of May 1st, how also can not find people, this can be very anxious he...

标签: 网游