新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节任性送大礼 数百款热门手游礼包等你来领

春节任性送大礼 数百款热门手游礼包等你来领

The Spring Festival gift to send hundreds of popular Mobile Games wayward package waiting for you to receive

2015-02-16 18:10:24来源: 4399

新春贺岁,羊年大吉,令人激动的春节马上就要到了,在这里4399发号中心携手《全民枪战》、《熊出没2》、《去吧皮卡丘》、《自由之战》等等众多游戏厂商,带上他们最虔诚的祝福,预祝大家羊年行大运,吉星高高照,财运亨通,红包拿到手软~并且4399发号中心也给大家送上羊年第一波温暖啦! 此次春节...

spring festival celebrate the New Year, sheep year down, exciting Spring Festival is coming, here 4399 command center "hand in hand", "national shooting bears 2", "go Picacho", "fight for freedom" and so on many game companies they, with the most sincere blessing, I wish you a sheep year, Jetion high high, great luck in making money, red envelopes to get soft ~ and 4399 command center also give you send a sheep year the first wave of warmth of the Spring Festival...

标签: 手游