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多玩有码:兽人必须死 无主之地OL等推荐

More code: orcs must die borderlands OL recommended

2015-01-22 08:56:51来源: 多玩游戏

多玩有码第六十期,热门关注新游等你试玩!每周多玩有码都会推荐本周5款大家重点关注的开测新游。这5款新游是根据多玩玩家在周一新游测试表[点击查看]中点击官网的热度值来选出的。 本周推荐五款新品,腾讯《兽人必须死》、盛大《无主之地OL》开启首次测试,这两款都是由单机改编网游,加上ID非常...

sixtieth period, popular concern about the new you try! Weekly play code will recommend this week 5 people focus attention on the open test are. The 5 paragraph is to choose new game player according to play on Monday a new test table [Click to view] Click website heat value. This week recommended five new products, Tencent orcs must die "," grand "borderlands" OL opened the first test, these two are from the single online adaptation, plus the ID very much...